Innovation unleashed. Empowering agencies with cutting-edge technology

SmartEd™ Education & Reentry Programs

Transform Lives, Reduce Recidivism
Our programs empower inmates through education and integrity. Foster positivity, support reentry programs, and promote personal growth. This approach reduces recidivism and builds safer communities for everyone
silhouette photo of man on cliff during sunset

SmartEd™ & SmartReentry™

New potential rises with the sun

  • 43% reduction in recidivism rates for participants

Safer Communities & Successful Reintegration

Inmates that are participating in education & rehabilitation programs are 6 times less likely to reoffend compared to those who do not. This statistic further emphasizes the significant impact of education on reducing recidivism rates.

  • Improved employment opportunities post-release
  • Enhanced self-esteem and confidence for incarcerated individuals
  • Immeasurable positive impact on children
  • Reduced intergenerational cycle of incarceration
  • Higher probability of families remaining together after release
  • Higher probability of families remaining together after release

Predict the future by creating it

"The educational programs were a lifeline for me. Every opportunity they provided were stepping stones to a better life. These courses weren't just classes; they were the tools that helped me rebuild my future."

Roberto G

"The access to free programs helped me get a GED, and prepare for getting back home to my kids. When I go home, everyone was happy for me, and felt better about everything"

Jen R

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